Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#22: Donate Blood - Check!

I've been wanting to donate blood since high school. Why did it take this long for me to do it? It's not a fear of needles or blood -- I just never weighed enough.

I remember doing nothing but eat one weekend in high school in a desperate attempt to gain weight. I gained 2 pounds in 2 days, but lost those 2 pounds the following week. The adult, health-aware me now is disgusted.

So now, thanks to a desk job that keeps my butt glued to my seat 8 hours a day and a couple of hectic weeks that have sucked away most of my gym time, gaining weight isn't as hard as it used to be. (If I knew this when I was 16 I wouldn't have complained so much.)

Perfect timing for crossing off goal #22!

The process itself didn't hurt (I have no problem taking needles or shots - growing up with nurses in your family does that to you). But the puncture site gets sore after. And holy crap does it take away a lot of your energy. But I saved a life! The sticker says so.

Thank goodness for the free Oreos after. I would have smiled, but clearly I had cookies in my mouth. Priorities, people.

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