- Eating a plate of pasta with wine by yourself is OK.
- If your jeans don't fit because of too much of #1, buy bigger jeans.
- Lounging in lingerie by yourself is great.
- Don't get into a relationship with an actor.
I really wanted to like this movie. Pizza, pasta, gelato, James Franco, Javier Bardem, and beaches. What was not to like?
In a way, Elizabeth Gilbert was going through this "WTF is my life?" period the same way I kind of am. She wanted change and to experience things she had always put off. But after eating lots of pasta, pizza and Indian food and praying, what exactly has changed? Besides a bigger waistline and a hotter man, NADA.
She decides to take a 1-year vacation because she felt lost -- lost in her marriage and lost in the relationship she jumps into after that marriage failed. She learns Italian, how to not live like a workaholic American, gets spiritual help from some ethnic people, and that it's OK to get into another relationship. And the movie ends with just that. Liz throws herself into Javier Bardem's sexy arms.
Did I just spend an hour drooling over pizza for a story without a climax or resolution? Great.